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Stopping Smoking For People With A Mental Illness

Thoughts - Challenges - Solutions

Naomi's Blog

I'd rather work from the grass roots up.  People of whom this is concerned, those with a psychiatric illness, wanting to quit smoking, have a better say as to their needs, and better control to manage what is going on around them, within their health in general, particularly stopping smoking.  A large proportion of these have absolutely no idea about this Tobacco Network Review.   It is very nice that some academically minded people with a masters' degree, (generalising here), or similar know exactly what these people need, but the anarchy system doesn't work very well with people with a mental illness.  How many of these professionals within this mental health group conscious have suffered from schizophrenia, or bipolar them selves, or are a full time Carer of a mentally unwell person depending on a Carers' Pension?  
It is an extremely vast lack of self empowerment, confidence, motivation, social skill, disorientated thinking which makes people with a mental illness find it difficult to achieve high university level standards they would be capable of prior to chronic mental breakdown, or within well periods.  
Many people in the battle of positive quit smoking results are in isolated or rural areas, certainly here in Tasmania.  But the Education of Life, as it is with many people with a mental illness, can be of value, perhaps more significantly so. A middle man is needed, negotiating between highly educated well wishes and your individual with a mental illness.  A person with a mental illness is discriminated against by IQ and intellect, and ability, [( perhaps only insidiously so) expressed here from my own work and educational experiences)]. This is mainly due to the symptoms of their illness, not at all to do with ability or intellect, maybe also involving sigma from a university teaching staff due to their own lack of education on mental health challenges or find the challenges of having a student like this, taking on too much of their time, and interest.  Chronic mental illness is hard to manage medically, while even amongst mental health professionals, and including hospital staff there is a problem understanding the patient.  [I have suffered this from my own point of view.] 
Quitting smoking should be a Choice, which can be successfully managed, with a positive results the same as the general public, or better. 
The academic opinions, judgements and evaluations are becoming stale in terms of quitting smoking for those with a psychiatric condition.   It maybe worthwhile when the people with a mental illness to be eventually asked for their help and perspectives to stop smoking, and take a much more active role in doing so.  
Naomi Hills.


Flowers in rainbow colours.

quit smoking, no matter who you are, what you think, health is the only thing you can't travel without!